Connections of Mindbody Treatments.

Looking at the science of health when we may not always feel well emotionally is perhaps one of the most important topics in Holistic Medicine today. Putting into context the physiological response to our thought process is what we are hoping to explore in this particular writing, but how can we talk and explain this … More Connections of Mindbody Treatments.

Food Treatments for A Better Mood.

Making regular use of the family of B complex vitamins is imperative for stable mood functions and nerve regulation. Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B12 (cobalamin) play a critical role in the human body’s ability to handle stressful situations and internal stressors. These B complex items can be found … More Food Treatments for A Better Mood.

The New Medicine.

The new model of Medicine into the future and healing for people, is one where the focus for the patient is to address illness at its roots; once and for all. This was the primary purpose of the Art of Healing from the very beginning, and although there may be some challenges and push-back in … More The New Medicine.